title: A not-so-happy Thursday I stayed up all night trying to finish my English major paper, so I was exhausted after that. When I woke up this morning, I realized that I was gonna be late for school because my clock had malfunctions. So I had to rush and fifteen minutes later, I was on my way to school.
I was 30 minutes late for Algebra, and I was super tired that I had a hard time staying up. My eyes were red and burning, and I couldn't wear my contacts because my eyes were so dry. After that, we computed for my raw grade and turns out, to maintain a 3.0, I had to get an 88% in the final exam. Why 88%? Because my grade in the last quiz was really really really low due to carelessness and confusion with the signs. Because of all the stress and pressure, I rarely have time to relax and slack. I don't even get to hang out with my blockmates anymore. Either I'm rushing to the library or cramming extra-credit stuff. First term is almost over, and most of my blockmates are bonded already. I can't help but feel left out, and I'm not really sure who to hang out with. During my spare time, I feel bad because I'm missing out and I don't have enough time to cultivate friendships with my classmates. But because of all the pressure, I am forced to shut down my social life and worry about my grades. I wish I were more smart, more clever, and more diligent. I have a classmate who is so good at everything, and she hardly ever studies. She's both inclined academically and extra-curricularly, if there's such word. It comes natural to her, and I can't help but wish that I were smarter too. In DLSU, we have no classes on Friday so we celebrate this thing called "Happy Thursday". Usually, people use this day to go out or drink or party to unwind from the week's worth of stress. Unfortunately for me, I spend my Thursdays hitting the books or sleeping. LOL I am such a loser. Today's been terrible, and well, it's not really a "Happy Thursday" for me. I need a miracle. I need a break. Buzz kill. |
title: I know I've said this for the umpteenth time, But I just want to let the whole world know How much I miss my long hair-- ![]() And that chopping it off is one of my greatest regrets. |
title: Problem with consistency. I stayed up all night studying for this Math exam that contained certain topics I couldn't quite understand. I honestly didn't see the point of the lesson, or why they were making us learn it. It's not like we need it in life. After three straight hours of tremendous reviewing, I finally collapsed and went to bed, leaving my fate in the hands of the Math gods.
To my disappointment, I found the test tricky. Sure, I was able to answer a bunch of items, but in the last number, I got confused and made a mistake with the signs and computations, and I am therefore aware that I may not get a perfect score, or at least a very high one. That's about 5% down the drain. Since I am currently under scholarship (my dad's company pays for my tuition), I am obliged to maintain at least a 3.0 in all my subjects. If I get a 2.5.. Well, let's not go there. So you obviously know the pressure and stress I go through. It's 2x the load an average student carries, and I have a double-degree course, so it's more than usual. I'm already plotting ways on how to pull my Math grade up. I have good grades so far, but I need to stay consistent. Basically, I need to work harder, and since I'm vying for honors, I have to do awesome in my exams. So here I am in the library, studying as we speak. This term is almost over, and on the 8th of September, I'll know my ranking. |
title: Survival It's been two months since I last posted. I haven't had the time, and everything is just fast-paced. I'm swamped, and practically every week, I have to write a new paper for English. Long exams and other quizzes have been a total pain in the rear. Debate, choir practice, and other extracurriculars have dominated most of my free time, and I barely have enough time for myself.
I've had my fair share of sleepless nights, all-nighters, and violet-y eye bags. I've indulged in one too many cups of coffee, along with those familiar cold glass bottles of cherry-flavored Red Bull. It's amazing, it's already the end of August. It's Finals week for us, then first term will be over. I can still recall my very first day in college. I learned that first impressions do really matter here, and that sometimes, people aren't whom you expected them to be. People aren't static, they are dynamic. They change, they conform, they adapt, and more importantly, they judge. I don't like the fact that most of my school mates still try to bring high school into college. I don't understand why majority are forced to obey the status quo, or the ridiculous 'social hierarchy' they have bestowed. I also realized that true friends are rare, and once you find them, you better hold on to them and cherish them. In college, there are those who cannot be trusted, simply because they have their ulterior motives. Basically, college is for the strong-willed. It is where only the fit survive. If you're weak, then it is not the place for you. In order to belong, you must be tough strong enough to will your tears to take the hint and come back later when you're all alone in the last cubicle of the lavatory. |